º I'm No Lady º

I'M NOT an ballbreaker, bimbo, bitch, bra burner, bull dyke, butch, carmen miranda, china doll, dumb blonde, fag hag, femme fatale, feminazi, geisha, good catholic girl, home girl, lady boss, lipstick lesbian, lolita, mother teresa, nympho, old maid, pinup girl, prude, slut, supermodel, tomboy, trophy wife, vamp, wicked stepmother or yummy yummy... Don't stereotype me!

terça-feira, abril 05, 2005

º "I Dream I Am the Death of Orpheus" º

I am walking rapidly
through striations of light and dark
thrown under an arcade.
I am a woman in the prime of life, with certain powers
and those powers severely limited
by authorities whose faces I rarely see.
I am a woman in the prime of life
driving her dead poet in a black Rolls-Royce
through a landscape of twilight and thorns.
A woman with a certain mission
which if obeyed to the letter will leave her intact.
A woman with the nerves of a panther
a woman with contacts among Hell's Angels
a woman feeling the fullness of her powers
at the precise moment when she must not use them
a woman sworn to lucidity
who sees through the mayhem, the smoky fires
of these underground streets
her dead poet learning to walk backward against the wind
on the wrong side of the mirror.

Adrienne Rich in Planetarium

P.S - Este é um dos poemas que mais me marcou na adolescência. Ainda hoje, ao lê-lo sinto a pele arrepiar e um profundo sentimento de contemplação. Exerce sobre mim um fascínio magnético, palavra a palavra. Qualquer coisa entre a atmosfera de sonho e a realidade. Poesia e política, género e diferença, literatura e poder.